Sunday, December 16, 2012

She's a Real Live Girl!!!!

I wonder when people talk about the challenges of teenage girls, that so isn't my daughter. Not to say our lives have not had issues, but overall we have been blessed with a pretty awesome daughter. But, anyone who knows her realizes she is a good girl, sometimes I think she is a little too good. (I know, as if that is a problem).

Anyway, yesterday we were shopping with Nancy and Kassie, and had stopped for lunch in the cafe court. Emily was conversing with us about Christmas presents when all of the sudden she said, "Well, what if I gave you a big ass...." immediately Nancy and I had eyes the size of Harriet's infamous self made video. Emily knew as soon as it was out of her mouth...she stopped...grabbed a napkin and covered her mouth. It rolled off her tongue so easily....

I know it's wrong, but I think it's funny. I'm so glad I have a real live girl!

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