Sunday, January 6, 2013

"I haven't called anyone that in 50 years!"

On Friday night I decided it was time for my mom to go in for one of our regular trips to the ER. I hadn't seen Dr. Ferga-handsome for awhile. Anyway, we had a big yelling argument before we went in, because she was bound and determined no to go. She got loud, I of course, was louder...  So we were heading in to town, finally, when she said, "Why am I in this car? I told you I wasn't going in there! How did you get me to go? You're a determined little snot!"


She was immediately sorry, "Oh..I shouldn't have said that, I haven't called anyone that in 50 years. That's what JoAnn says I used to call her."



1 comment:

Shella's Ramblings said...

Supposedly your mom called JoAnn snot bucket alot! Funny! Hope Aunt Harriet is okay.