Tuesday, January 22, 2013


 A couple months ago Nancy and I started talking about a commercial we saw advertising a product to help us with cling wrap issues we both have. Inevitably we talked about how nice it would be to have, not just one, but four of these lovely things to help us cut aluminum foil, cling wrap, saran wrap, and parchment paper. So we kept an eye out at every store we went to in the “as seen on tv” sections…but no dice.

So one morning, around 4am I decided to just go on line and order some wraptastics!! Well, they had a buy one get one, if you paid separate shipping and handling. You could get up to 5 wraptastics with this offer!! SCORE!!! I needed four, Nancy needed four, and an extra couple for Harriet, so I ordered. But I didn’t pay for expedited shipping, and three days before Christmas I knew they weren’t going to make it. I was on the phone to Nancy and had the following conversation:

Nancy: So did you get Jay and I separate gifts or together?

Me: Well, I did kind of got you both a present, but I did order something for you. I don’t think it will be here before Christmas.

Nancy: I ordered you something too, but it hasn’t come in.

Me: OK…I ordered you a wraptastic

Nancy: NO…I ordered you a wraptastic…how many did you order? I ordered 8

Me: I ordered 10

So we waited…finally Nancy got a package, but mine had to be picked up at the post office.

Then we opened them together…18!!! And we were finally able to give them to each other.

Seriously!!! Great Minds!!!  And Bubble Wrap


Nancy Nina said...

So do they really work?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they are pretty good. I wish they stuck to the counter top better though.