Sunday, December 8, 2013

Catching Up on November Gratitude Posts

Yeah...I know. It's past November and I didn't get all my gratitude in. Well, I live in the real world, have a real job and live in a place where the internet during the winter months is iffy at best.

November 27th - Grateful for petroleum based nylon and plastic products

November 28th - Grateful for fabric steamer, this has seriously improved both my life, anxiety levels and my families appearance. (Unlike my sister who I swear irons 30 pillowcases every day)

November 29th - Interstate highway system. Anyone who reads about travel before the Eisenhower administrations decision to link the states knows what an absolute blessing this is, even when snow packed and stuck on it for 8 hours (Shout out to my Andrus nephews)

November 30th - So grateful for Facebook and the oversharing of family, friends and a few circus freaks that let me know how everything in their lives are so much better than mine!!

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