Saturday, April 26, 2014

Balance Restored (or I Counter My Husbands Building Skills)

Everyone who knows my husband knows he is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to building things. He is the kind of person that when you are waiting at the counter in the store, remarks on the actual construction of the counter top. He makes observations in hotel rooms about the grout lines, makes people nervous when they show him things….

You may remember Lola the pig, I think I have mentioned her a couple times on this blog.  Well, sweet Lola is rather hard on shelters.  If you are as blind as she is, and weigh 500#+ maybe you aren’t as graceful as a gazelle. Anyway, Lola has managed to destroy just about every shelter we have provided for her.  At this point, I’m a little frustrated…OK, I’m very frustrated.  We gave her the old goat shelter, but it turned out that she is a little large for turning around in it, and tore the back wall all to pieces.  Then she is a little big for the little door, it scraped her back.  So the other day, Scott and I turned the shelter around and took the rest of the back wall off.  Then I had the idea that I would just build an over head shade type shelter out the front for her to keep the sun and rain off her. 
A quick trip to Doug Jones sawmill for some rough cut lumber and I was all set.  I would have asked my husband, but he is already pretty busy lately, and since I had Monday off, I figured I could do it all on my own.  I did require my sister Nancy to come over and hold some posts for me initially, and she encouraged me with the following statements:

“Do you have any idea what you are doing?”

“I’m just trying to figure out what you are going for”

“You should see it from this angle”

And finally

“Why don’t you wait for your husband to get home”

Thoroughly inspired I continued on. After all, I have watched and assisted Scott many times.  Not to mention that I attempted to build a tree house and a general store when I was about 10. I had the tools necessary, the requisite lumber, and the will.  As they say, the proof is in the pudding.  Yes, I managed to do this all on my own. I didn’t need a tape measure or level. Nope just good old pioneering spirit. As my pictures will demonstrate, this is an edifice worthy of engineering study.  Indeed, Lola was excited and moved in right away.

Of course Scott had to come and take a look when he got home.  He then gave it his infamous “stare”  then said, “I’m just trying to figure out what you are going for”.   Going for??? Dude, I’m done! I believe I should have my own show on DIY, but in the meantime, I am currently doing bids for your home remodel!

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