Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, Toilet Paper

Please do not get today's post confused with my earlier month of gratitude post about Kleenex. Toilet paper and Kleenex are very different, and while in a pinch can be substituted for each other, this should never be a long term solution.

Who hasn't sat down, got comfortable to take care of things and suddenly realized you had chosen poorly in your pick of the stalls? Your next thought is then "what the hell? Doesn't anyone ever check these things? There is a stupid checklist on the door for Pete's sake!" at that point you are willing to do a lot of things, just for a few squares of toilet paper. And so I'll send this gratitude post out into the world of "carma" or whatever in hopes that the "toilet paper pixies" will make sure my stalls are full as I begin the Holiday Shopping Season.

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