Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, twine

So today I am super grateful and feel extremely blessed to have twine in my life. To me twine is more than just a tie down for a large purchase from Home Depot, yes oh so much more! You see I am old enough to remember wire tied bales, which truly weighed 800lbs. I also remember the great bailing wire shortage during the Carter Administration, which forced my family away from our beloved wire tying ways. A new baler was purchased and we began to make adjustments.

In the beginning I'll admit I wasn't happy with this new "progressiveness". Wire bales packed tighter, stacked neater, didn't slip their wires, and of course- bailing wire was the original "duct tape fix". But, as time has marched on and I have become wiser and certainly more "mature" (that's a fancy way of saying I can now only shoulder one 50# bag of feed, I used to be able to handle two). Anyway I have learned to accept the lighter bales, learned the art of fixing things with orange twine, and discovered its flammability. And the one true plus for my husband is there is no wire to get wrapped around his beloved riding lawn mower which occasionally has led him to question his choice of eternal companions.

#gratefulfortwine #makeslifegreat #soblessed

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