Monday, November 4, 2013

Thanks Sweetcheeks

I don’t know how many other people have noticed this, but lately it is really bothering me. It seems about half the time now when I either go through a check out lane at a store or a drive through at a fast food restaurant the sales clerk says, “Thanks hun” or “Ok hun, pull around it will be $5.35”. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I am far more professional than the $10 an hour clerk at McDonalds or the 30 something check out girl at City Market. I have had older people and younger people say this to me and it pisses me off every time. They don’t know me and I don’t know them. SO I have decided that from now on every time I hear a clerk say this to me, I’m going to reply “Thanks Sweetcheeks” and see how they like them apples!


They will probably spit on my hamburger

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